Just write a rhyme
Or sing a song.
If you want to kill time,
It won’t take long.
No difference it makes
What you do.
The time it takes
Is up to you.
Just write a rhyme
Or sing a song.
If you want to kill time,
It won’t take long.
No difference it makes
What you do.
The time it takes
Is up to you.
Four of life’s ramblers,
From east and west;
All of them gamblers,
The worst to the best;
Talked through the air,
Shooting the shit;
Never did dare
To consider it:
Mutual care,
Amidst self conflict.
A thought from Hamlet,
Shakespeare wrote down:
“To be or, not to be.”
Then came around
The Beatles’ sound,
Telling the prince
To “Let it be,”
But few have since,
Or in history,
Paid any attention
To the suggestion,
Thus does exist
Widespread depression,
The reference from which
Came William’s conception.
Will there ever come a day,
When my world will change,
And I will not be chained
To living this way?
I want to get out,
But am caught in a bind
That confuses my mind
And fills it with doubt.
Where should I go?
Twenty years old,
Out in the cold,
I just do not know.
Cold outside,
On the roadside,
In need of a ride.
People say hi
And ride on by.
Without a word,
Flip them the bird.
“Be a good citizen,”
My teachers all said.
Go on the green light,
Stop on the red.
Try your very best
To keep your self fed,
But break any rules
And you’re as good as dead.
One thing about rules
I never could see:
What right has anyone
To give orders to me?
It was no choice of mine
To be born in society.
I don’t need permission,
I just want to be free.
Peace, you see,
Will be born
When everything is petrified.
Least you see,
None will mourn
When everything has died.
I plunged into this world,
Running with all my might,
Loving, hating and castigating
Everything in sight.
Then came suddenly,
From behind me,
A foreign sound,
Calling for me
To stop, turn around,
To listen and see.
I turned at once
And glanced at one,
Running with all his might,
Loving, hating and castigating,
With none but me in his sight.
What is it makes
A fool like me
Criticize humanity?
What nerve it takes
To mock another,
While being a human,
Like any other.
Raring to go
Four rode
To Mexico
Some called my actions those of a leech,
Because I found heaven upon this beach,
As I gazed out to the ancient sea,
Absorbed by the peaceful reality.